May 2019
COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ Festivitate dedicată Zilei Europei Ediția a XIII-a, Zilei Românilor de Pretutindeni și Zilei Copilului În anul omagial…
May 2019
Fwd: Invitation – Hearing on Communicating Disability Rights (28/06/2019 – Brussels)
by Ionela Floodby Ionela FloodPublic Hearing – 28 June 2019 – Brussels Communicating Disability Rights he European Economic and Social Committee has the pleasure to invite…
May 2019
Romanca Society taking part in the EU Erasmus+ project Antalya, Turkey
by Ionela Floodby Ionela FloodThe team of Romanca Society is taking part in the EU Erasmus+ project Antalya, Turkey in May 2019. The “Unemployed Entrepreneurs”…
Festivalul Național de Teatru Școlar „Niște țărani” – ediția a XIV-a Ziua de 18 mai 2019 va rămane o…
May 2019
INVITAȚIE LA FESTIVITATEA “IZVOR DE SUFLET ROMÂNESC”, dedicată Zilei Europei – Ediția a XIII-a, Zilei Românilor de Pretutindeni, Zilei Copilului,1-2 Iunie 2019!
by Ionela Floodby Ionela FloodAsociaţia Cercul Cultural Româno-Austriac UNIREA Şi RadioTV Unirea Pottendorfer Strasse 268 2700-Wiener Neustadt, Austria Tel. 0043262282154 Mobil:00436643419664 E-mail: care, va…
May 2019
Fwd: Invitation – Hearing on Summary of the costs and benefits of investments in occupational safety and health (OSH) (17/06/2019 – Brussels)
by Ionela Floodby Ionela FloodPublic Hearing – 17June 2019 – Brussels Summary of the costs and benefits of investments in occupational safety and health (OSH) The…
Dear Sir/Madam,We are pleased to invite you to the public hearing on: “Transport, energy and SGI as drivers of sustainable…
May 2019
Fwd: Voting in the Euro Elections, what next for Brexit, the NHS and Hammersmith Bridge
by Ionela Floodby Ionela Flood———- Forwarded message ———From: Andy Slaughter MP <>Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 at 18:07Subject: Voting in the Euro Elections, what next for…