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Happy Festive Season!

by Ionela Flood

We wish you a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
The Festive Season may bring you peace and armony!

Book illustration by Adina Romanescu for the poetry book ‘Scented Angels’ by Ionela Flood.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
to hidden hopes in the snow
to princely carols poured on the streets

Merry Christmas

to all Romanians scattered among the snow banks
and to the candle lit for Saints

Merry Christmas
to the Cosmopolitan chink ringing
into mother thought weaving coils

Merry Christmas
to children taking holy communion
in the ancestral language
rooted by the same Charming Princes

Merry Christmas
to the Balade ringing in the old trumpet
over a vers that is scattered abroad

Merry Christmas
to the wreath that is baked in the grain asleep
and to the fire burning in the silver horizon

Merry Christmas
with the Star shining forever
to Unspoken Love on Earth

Merry Christmas!

Ionela Flood , Merry Christmas! from Scented Angels poetry volume, Bucharest 2010

Audio ilustration by Corneliu Pavel for the poetry book Scented Angels by Ionela Flood launched at Baudeamus Book Fair 2010 and at the Conference of Romanians Abroad , Alba Iulia 2010.

Ionela Flood and
The Team Romanca Society


Sarbatorile de iarna sa ne petreaca spre Anul Nou cu inocenta copiilor colindand spre inimile noastre si spre viitor! Sarbatori linistite cu pace si armonie!

Echipa Societatii Romanca

Ilustratie de carte de Adina Romanescu pentru Volumul de poezie Parfumul Ingerilor de Ionela Flood.

Craciun Fericit

Craciun Fericit
sperantelor ascunse prin zapezi
colindelor revarsate princiar pe strazi

Craciun Fericit
Romanilor risipiti printre nameti
si candelei aprinse pentru Sfinti

Craciun Fericit
oricarui clinchet rasunand cosmopolit
din gandul mamei impletind colaci

Craciun Fericit
copiilor impartasiti in graiul stramosesc
cu acelesi radacini de Feti Frumosi

Craciun Fericit
si doinei rasunand in vechi trompeti
peste un viers ce-l risipim peste hotar

Craciun Fericit
cununei ce se coace in bobul adormit
si focului ce arde-n zarea de argint

Craciun Fericit cu steaua stralucind la infinit
iubirii nerostite pe Pamant

Craciun Fericit!

Ionela Flood Poezie din volumul Parfumul Ingerilor, Bucuresti 2010

Ilustratie de carte pentru volumul de versuri Parfumul Ingerilor – Colindul Crinului de Amy Lee .


Ilustratie audio Colindul Crinului de Ionela Flood, interpretat de Corneliu Pavel -fragment din Cd-ul promotional al volumului de poezii Parfumul Ingerilor, lansat la Gaudeamus Book Fair 2010 si la Congresul Spiritualitatii Romanesti , Alba Iulia 2010.

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