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In Memoriam Paul Neagu (1938-2004)

by Ionela Flood

A Culture Power event
In Memoriam Paul Neagu (1938-2004)

Thursday 2 July 2009
19.00-21.00, The Ratiu Foundation / Romanian Cultural Centre
Manchester Square, 18 Fitzhardinge Street, London W1H 6EQ; Tel. 020 7486 0295, ext. 108
Entry is free but booking is essential. Book now at bookings@romanianculturalcentre.org.uk.

Hosted by Mihai Risnoveanu, Artistic Consultant of the Romanian Cultural Centre in London

Five years have passed since Paul Neagu left us. To commemorate Paul, sculptor, painter, poet, and larger-than-life character, the Ratiu Foundation / Romanian Cultural Centre in London is holding a special event, part of the Culture Power Series. During this evening, dedicated to Paul’s memory, the public will have the chance to see the wonderful documentary film ‘Paul Neagu: Heart of the Tornado’, by Laurentiu and Agnieszka Garofeanu.
Some of Paul’s friends will also talk about him, bringing to light their recollections about an extraordinary man.

• Paul Neagu: Heart of the Tornado
Documentary / UK / 2004 / 26 min / colour. Directors: Laurentiu & Agnieszka Garofeanu
The film was produced with financial support offered by the Ratiu Foundation.
Paul Neagu settled in Britain in 1970 and embarked in a remarkable career as an artist and teacher. Laughing in the face of the Establishment, Neagu even formed a fictitious art group (Generative Art Group) which exhibited regularly. Influenced by Structuralism and philosophy, Neagu’s art worked with the Word for an even deeper impact. But one day, this great speaker was silenced by a cerebral attack, in 2001, which left him aphasic.

For ‘The Heart of the Tornado’, the film-maker followed Paul’s daily life, and to get a deeper understanding of the man and his art, interviewed his friends and former pupils. ‘The Heart of the Tornado’ was completed shortly after Paul’s death in June 2004.

“Paul Neagu was a controversial figure in the British art scene, a teacher and inspiration to some of the most successful contemporary artists: Anish Kapoor, Anthony Gormley and Rachel Whiteread. We were lucky enough to meet and gain the trust of this mystifying man. This film is the record of the last year of his life and an emotional journey of the film-makers getting closer to the artist and the core of his work.” – Laurentiu Garofeanu

You can read more about Paul Neagu on www.paulneaguhyphen.com

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Culture Power is a programme initiated by the Ratiu Foundation, consisting of a number of presentations and constructive dialogue with an invited audience.
Organised by The Ratiu Foundation / Romanian Cultural Centre in London
www.ratiufamilyfoundation.com; www.romanianculturalcentre.org.uk

Image above: Paul Neagu and ‘Triple Starhead’, near Milton Keynes © Laurentiu Garofeanu
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