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Invitation to composers- A musical journey from Romania to Venezuela

by Ionela Flood

Dear friends and supporters,

I hope we will see many of you at our concert next Thursday 18th February in the Bolivar Hall, Venezuelan Embassy. The programme is a colourful selection of excerpts from various international works and includes Schubert’s much-loved Trout Quintet.

Come and meet composer John Reeman at 6.30pm in a pre-concert workshop with us, where he will present his work Tableau, which will receive its World Premiere on the night.

The programme also includes the London Premiere of Danse and Improvisation for Solo Double Bass by Romanian composer and outstanding Double Bass player of the London Schubert Players, Michael Cretu.

We hope you will have a very enjoyable evening with us !

With best wishes,
Anda Anastasescu

Pianist Anda Anastasescu & London Schubert Players cordially invites you to join them for an unusual musical journey on February 18th at the Bolivar Hall, London:

A musical journey from Romania to Venezuela

The concert is free and includes the London Premiere of Dance and Improvisation for Solo Double Bass by Michael Cretu (1960 – ), the Double Bassist of the London Schubert Players.
In this work the composer was inspired by the very old Romanian folk song, The County Constable (Capitanul de Judet), about an impoverished peasant who is charged with stealing a horse, pleads he did this in order to sell it and buy food for his starving family, and is let off, with the horse, by the merciful constable.)

The noted pianist Anda Anastasescu and the outstanding young Romanian violinist Radu Bitica are participating in the concert. Anda Anastasescu will also present a pre-concert workshop with English composer John Reeman.


Pianista Anda Anastasescu & London Schubert Players va invita cordial sa participati la o calatorie muzicala neobisnuita in data de 18 februarie la Bolivar Hall, Londra, incepand cu ora 18.30.

Concertul reprezinta un Salut pentru aniversarea de 200 de ani de la cistigarea Independentei Venezuelei.

Concertul este gratuit si contine Premiera Londoneza a piesei Danse and Improvisation pentru Solo Contrabas de Mihai Cretu (1960 – ), contrabasistul London Schubert Players. Piesa este inspirata de cintecul folcloric romanesc Capitanul de Judet, despre un taran sarac care e arestat fiindca a furat un cal. El il roaga pe Capitan sa-i dea drumul fiindca a furat calul pentru a-l vinde ca sa-si poata hrani copiii muritori de foame. Capitanul il intelege si ii reda libertatea.

Binecunoscuta pianista Anda Anastasescu si tinarul violonist roman de exceptie, Radu Bitica, vor participa in program.
De asemenea, Anda Anastasescu va prezenta un atelier inainte de concert, cu compozitorul Englez John Reeman.

Va asteptam sa petrecem o seara placuta impreuna,

Ionela Flood
Proiectul Invitation to Composers

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