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LVSTC Information Flash – Community Grants launches and first Tower Hamlet application workshop confirmed

by Ionela Flood
London EurosceneCommunity Grants Info Flash #1
London’s Voluntary and Community Sector in partnership with Europeto promote Social InclusionOctober 2011
ESF Community Grants launches in 5 boroughs  

London Councils have now taken over responsibility for co-financing Community Grants in London under the 2011-13 phase of the ESF programme and are pleased to announce the launch of a new funding round which is worth £2.65 million which will be invested in supporting those Londoners who are furthest from the labour market. The programme remains focused on small, local voluntary and community groups who have the grassroots experience and knowledge to provide tailored support to the most disadvantaged in London. The aim is to equip beneficiaries with the training and employment opportunities that they need to be able to move closer or indeed into the labour market. Match funding is being provided by a number of London boroughs and so this round will be open to organisations based in the following boroughs: Croydon, Enfield, Lambeth, Southwark and Tower Hamlets. Each borough has invested a different amount of money into the programme and have their own sets of criteria which reflect the priorities of each borough – it is important to note that organisations must be both based in the relevant borough and providing services to constituents of that borough. The application literature is now available to download from the Community Grants website here: http://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/aboutus/invitationtotender/esf-programme5boroughs.htm The deadline for applications is 12 noon on 16th November so there is 6 weeks to submit your application and the anticipated earliest start date for projects will be 29th February 2012. What help is there for us?A programme of support activities for organisations interested in applying is currently being finalised and we will be letting you know the details of application workshops in all five boroughs as soon as they have been confirmed: details will also be available from our website: www.lvstc.org.uk/ which will also soon carry details of the different opportunities in each borough. LVSTC Advisers will be also be on hand to give assistance on project ideas and draft applications via phone on 020 7538 4309 and by email ianf@lvstc.org.uk First workshop for Tower Hamlets groups
The first of several application workshops to be held across Tower Hamlets in a range of venues will be held on Wednesday 12th October at 10am-12.30pm here at Bromley Hall, 43 Gillender Street E14 6RN. The workshop will take you through the important aspects of the programme and the eligibility criteria, and look at the application procedure: there will be one to one advice sessions available at the end of the workshop too, to discuss any project ideas you may have. Places are limited but do not worry as there will be many more opportunities to attend workshops which will be confirmed in the next few days.
To book a place, call 020 7538 4309 or email geoffr@lvstc.org.uk  
LVSTC, Bromley Hall, 43 Gillender Street, London, E14 6RN
Tel: 0845 262 2006  or  020 7538 4309
Fax: 0845 262 2005  or  020 7005 0275
LVSTC is funded by the European Social Fund, London Councils, City Bridge Trust and City Parochial Foundation.
This e-bulletin is edited by Ian Foster 
Views expressed herein are not necessarily those of LVSTC.
If you would like to have an item included in the bulletin or have any feedback then please email  geoffr@lvstc.org.uk
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