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Outside Chance Workshops

by Ionela Flood

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From: Mortimer Sacha <Sacha.Mortimer@lbhf.gov.uk>

Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 10:16:20 +0100

To: Mortimer Sacha<Sacha.Mortimer@lbhf.gov.uk>

Cc: ‘ianoutsidechance@aol.com'<ianoutsidechance@aol.com>

Subject: Outside Chance

Dear All,

For your information.  Please contact the organisation direct for further details.


Sacha Mortimer

Support Officer

Community Investment

020 8753 5009


Dear Colleague

Outside Chance delivers high impact, early intervention, thought provoking, behaviour challenging workshops – ‘It’s YOUR Choice!’ – in Greater London secondary schools. Almost 100,000 young Londoners have attended our workshops since 2003. Our approach is born out of 13 years’ experience of working with more than 5,000 very challenging juvenile offenders in a number of male young offender units including HM YOI Feltham.  We are regularly seeing young men in HM YOI Feltham who are now starting out on 15, 18 and 20 year minimum sentences, in many cases, NOT because of what they actually did in terms of committing crime but because of the group or gang with which they were involved.

Thanks to some NEW two-year funding from The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, we are able to offer FREE workshops in the borough on a first come, first served basis.

We have attached a pdf of feedback from students and teaching staff who have seen our workshops to give you some indication of the impact we can make on young people’s thought processes. Feedback can also be viewed on our website at http://www.outsidechance.org/user_feedback/ A breakdown of workshop content and more about our approach can be found on our website at www.outsidechance.org

If you wish us to visit your Hammersmith and Fulham school or youth group, please call us on 020 8563 7700 or email vicoutsidechance@aol.com with your contact details and we will get in touch with you.

Our diary availability can be found at our online diary at http://j.mp/ianrossoutsidechance Choose a free date and then give us a call.

We look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Best wishes

Ian Ross

CEO and Presenter

Outside Chance

Suite G6

Britannia House

11 Glenthorne Road

London W6 0LH

t 020 8563 7700

f 020 8563 7755

m 07771 847777
Do it online at www.lbhf.gov.uk

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Hammersmith & Fulham – Local Government Chronicle “Council of the Year” 2010

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