Home July 2010 [parohiabirmingham] Pilgrimage of St. Bertram, Ilam 07 Aug

[parohiabirmingham] Pilgrimage of St. Bertram, Ilam 07 Aug

by Ionela Flood

Dragii nostri,

In fiecare an, credinciosii ortodocsi din Marea Britanie vin in pelerinaj la Ilam (langa Staffordshire) sa se roage la altarul Sf.Bertram. (link-uri utile mai jos)
Ilam gazduieste de mai multi ani si Festivalul National al tineretului Ortodox.

Anul acesta, Pelerinarul la Ilam va avea loc in data de 07 Aug si este organizat de Fr. Samuel Carter of St. Michael’s Audley.

Programul este dupa cum urmeaza:

Liturghia la ora 11.00 am
Agapa/picnic (suntem invitati sa aducem fiecare cate ceva de mancat si baut)
Blessing of the Holy Spring in the hill
Rugaciunea de seara
Vizitarea pesterilor monahale
Sa speram ca vremea o sa fie frumoasa.
Cei care doresc sa participe la pelerinaj si nu au transport, va rugam anuntati-ne din timp.
Va asteptam cu drag.


The Pilgrimage of St. Bertram in Ilam, lead by Fr. Samuel Carter of St. Miachael’s Audley, is going to be on Saturday 7 August.

The programme is always as following:

Divine Liturgy (usually at 11am; please remind me later to confirm this when I receive their August’s Newsletter),
picnic lunch (people bring their own foods and drinks),
Blessing of the Holy Spring in the hills,
the Vespers, walking to the monastic caves and crosses by the river. Let’s hope the weather will be clear on that day.

Life of St Bertram (monk from the 8th c.):
http://www.stmichae ls-audley. org.uk/bertram. htm
http://www.stmichae ls-audley. org.uk/orthodox. htm

St Bertram’s Service:
http://www.orthodox england.org. uk/servbert. htm

Ilam (the one in England, and not in Iran!):
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Ilam,_Staffordsh ire
http://www.peakdist rictinformation. com/visits/ ilamch.php
http://www.peakdist rictinformation. com/towns/ ilam.php
http://news. bbc.co.uk/ local/stoke/ hi/people_ and_places/ religion_ and_ethics/ newsid_8388000/ 8388209.stm http://www.national trust.org. uk/main/w- ilampark
http://www.yha. org.uk/find- accommodation/ peak-district- sherwood/ hostels/Ilam/ index.aspx
http://www.derbyshi reuk.net/ ilam.html

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