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From: “PressEESC” <>
Sender: “Juchem Isolde” <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 09:35:37 +0200
Subject: PRESS BREAKFAST – Protection of children against sexual abuse – still too much to do
Protection of children against sexual abuse – still too much to do | |
EN Where:József Antall Building (European Parliament) –Second floor, Rue de Trêves 1A,Bruxelles Main Entrance Esplanade Solidarność 1980 When:on Thursday 27 October 2011 at 8.30 am In Europe, 1 in 5 children has encountered sexual abuse at least once in their life. Following the CoE ONE in FIVE campaign and the EP report on Sexual abuse of children (26/10/11), the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) will launch an online database of good practices for the protection of children against sexual abuse. The best practice examples were collected from all around Europe, by NGOs and state agencies that create hotlines, launch awareness campaigns for children, in schools, on internet or TV (i.e. The Underwear Rule , 2011 World Day Prevention of Child Abuse), and will serve as a fundamental tool to continue fighting against this curse of our times. On 27 October, media are invited to a press breakfast with EESC Member Madi Sharma, driving force of this initiative, who will officially present it to the public. Speakers will also include: · Jillian van Turnhout, Irish Senator and outgoing Chief Executive of Children’s Rights Alliance · Tiina Maria Levamo, Co-ordinator of the ONE in FIVE Campaign, Council of Europe We would be grateful if you would let us know if you can attend. For more information please contact: Alejandro Izquierdo LópezPress OfficerEuropean Economic and Social Committee+32 2546 | |
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