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Welcome & Good bye new Director @ Romanca Society/Bun venit si la revedere noului Director la Societatea Romanca

by Ionela Flood

La revedere si mult noroc!

Dupa cateva luni dinamice de munca voluntara la Societatea Romanca in calitate de Director, Dl Costel Cam a decis sa dezvolte propriul sau proiect in Londra , incepand cu 1 Martie 2010. Apreciem contributia lui la dezvoltatrea proiectelor noastre in parteneriat cu ur4jobs .Ii multumim pentru acest timp dedicat Societatii Romanca si proiectelor ei.
Ii uram mult succes in noua lui pozitie sperand sa foloseasca util tot ceea ce a invatat alaturi de echipa Societatii Romanca si networkul in comunitate.

Echipa Societatii Romanca


Good bye and good luck!

After few months of volunteering as Director at Romanca Society , Mr. Costel Cam has decided to develop his own project in London, staring with 1 March 2010. We appreciate his contribution on the projects developed with ur4jobs . We thank him for all this time dedicated to Romanca Society and its projects.
We wish him every success in the new position hoping that he will benefit from his learning programme with the team at Romanca Society and community network.

The Team
Romanca Society


Hi All,

This year is starting with new development for Romanca Society.
I would like to welcome a new Director for our organisation.
His name is Costel Cam and is very decided to organise and develop the activity and bringing it to a new level.
We welcome him and we will would like to ask you to support him with your ideas .
You will have the chance to meet him at an Open Day @ Romanca Society soon. We will keep you informed about time and place.

Please see our website www.romanca.co.uk and send us your ideas.

Kind regards,

Ionela Flood
Romanca Society



Buna ziua tuturor,

Acest an a inceput cu un o noua surpriza placuta pentru Societea Romanca.
Imi face placere sa ii spun bun venit noului Director al organizatiei.
Numele lui este Costel Cam si este hotarat sa organizeze, sa dezvolte activitatea si sa o aduca la un nou nivel.
Va rog sa ii dati suportul Dvs. prin idei, proiecte si propuneri de colaborare.
Veti avea sasa sa il cunoasteti in curand la Open Day @ Societatea Romanca.
Va vom tine la curent in legatura cu detaliile acestui eveniment.

Va rugam sa vizitati website-ul www.romanca.co.uk si trimiteti-ne ideile Dvs.

Cu cele mai bune ganduri,

Ionela Flood
075 1525 3584



Buna ziua tuturor ,..

Avem de treaba ,…

Numele meu este Cam Costel, sunt Directorul Societatii Romanca de la Londra, Marea Britanie. M-am mutat de curand la Londra cu familia, am experienta de lucru in dezvoltarea comunitatii fiind implicat in organizarea comunitatii romanesti din sud vestul Angliei ( Burebista) din Plymouth.

Gandul si misiunea mea este ca sa inchegam cat mai bine comunitatea noastra si sa o aducem la un alt nivel de colaborare si rezultate.

Impreuna vom fi mai puternici .

Va astept sa ne alaturam ideile si proiectele !

Costel Cam

Societatea Romanca
Marea Britanie



My name is Costel Cam and I am Director for Romanca Society in London .
I do as well some work for Burebista ( Romanian Community for South West Uk ), based in Plymouth .

As you can see on the web site www.romanca.co.uk , here are some of the activities we create and develop at “Romanca”:
• Social integration / inclusion
• Help in the community
• Emotional support
• Leisure activities
• Youth projects
• Personal development and voluntary activities
• Facilitate Romanians easy access to information

Next to this we are thinking to develop are projects that will promote social inclusion.
– Football club
– Social club
– Kinder garden
– Any other project promoted by the our members


The objectives of the Society are :

1. To provide social opportunity for Romanian people based in London and surrounding area for meeting’s, Social and cultural events

2. To preserve and protect the heritages of Romanian people

3. To raise awareness of the Romanian community to the wider community in the by
educational and social events in London and in any other parts were are living Romanians

4. To have meetings with stake holders about Romanians, migrant workers and the
issues which have direct effect.

5.The advancement of education, training and learning opportunities for Romanian
community resident in London and surroundings

6. The development of a range of needs led services, to improve the quality of life
Romanian community members.


1. Training and Personal Development :

According with different sources there are more and more Romanians coming in to the UK , and recently I have been taking part at 4th Central & Eastern European Forum were different organizations have confirmed for us this matter.
Many of Romanians are coming with big hopes in finding jobs as the restriction for work for A2 natioanals are maintained for next 2 years.
Other important barrier, is the language.

– so far our organization has tried to its best to direct these sort of people , but due to the lack of space , personnel and funds we can not keep up with this demanding .
– for the future we are aiming to have places of our own were we can provide drop in sessions with properly train / competent personnel trained from the community therefore creating jobs
– as well to provide at our branches ESOL courses , opportunity for Romanians to
socialize, eliminate the language barrier to access work and social integration.
– other trainings needed that are demanded, we want to be offered at our premises by encourage people of different age’s , backgrounds, genders and religion.

2. Romanca Newsletter – promoting the events, activities and projects of the society, networking the information for members, friends and other interested parties.

– we are interested in spreading important news /information/ events to post them on the web site , that are affecting people’s life in the UK, starting from Banks, How to rent, Rent Low , rights and obligations , information from the police and other stakeholders and day to day facts that are affecting people’s life .
– if we get help and succeed we want to print our newsletter to reach to those who do not have access to internet

3. Partnership and lobby – developing quality relationships, lobby and cooperation with various organizations, institutions and agencies in the local, regional and international community,

– in order to have a successful and quiet life we want to open ourselves to London multicultural society , we want people to know us , not only as the cleaning lady or the handy man from the construction site ,
– we want to show to the communities we are living in , to the government and third sector organizations who are helping us , that we want to actively and actively participate to the country developing and well being .
– we want to have meetings, festivities, cultural events together, to volunteer ourselves were the community and country need us .

4. Fundraising and sponsorship – research for finding financial resources and support for all Romanca’s projects and partners :

– if everything has started for an small desk in a modest house 5 years ago, by a big heart, caring lady ;
– now we want to fulfill people needs , the ones that usually society in the rush of the everyday are somehow forgotten ,
– Us, few who we care we are tired and frustrated telling people that we do not have enough time to solve their problems, that we do not have a place where our children can play Sunday and learn songs of their grandparents, that I will solve the problems within the society resources

YES – we need some money to start a few working points !
YES – we need to train people to deal with problems ,crime or whatever challenge or opportunity the society deals every day,…
YES – we want to enjoy our time , decently
YES – we want to be treated fair within our community and our community involvement
YES – we want to tell to our Community members that we are an independent organization what respect both the values of individuals and that this can be beneficial integrated within the values of British society,
YES – I want the truth about the job conditions, how life is going to be , not the nice stories which the recruiting agencies are so nicely selling to us
YES – we don’t want to run out of options due to lack of information or
support and become a criminal .
YES – we want to help the society we are living in by giving back not only our tax returns but also our involvement with ,
– money when we are united
– blood donations or cause we care for
– voluntary work to learn and develop projects that are addressing the society needs

YES we care and YES we want !
Help us to help each other !

5. Protocol & Catering – ensure the protocol & catering in various project of the organisation, being runned by volunteers and members

-in our language that’s mean that we want to cook Romanian dishes for us and for our friends from outside of community , for our guests for different events or people who want to enjoy our way of cooking , opportunity for younger generations to enjoy and prove themselves in this art and somehow trying to get them away as much of possible from the fast foods and promoting a healthier and why not a cheaper way to eat
-this is part of our heritage and a way to promote our values and hospitality.

6. Art Group – workshop, performances and shows with artists

-we have many young women and men who are passionate about glass painting, icons painting , and we try to bring this to a new level by offer them a proper place to develop their skills
– there artists and students in London looking for opportunity to perform and practice their art .We are looking to promote a monthly show with this artists in a popular venues as a way of preserving and promoting our artistic values
– as well we want to bring performers from Romania, to enjoy Romanian dance and music ,
– there are so many things to write at this chapter as well but I will say a common truth “ ART IS FOOD FOR THE SOUL ! “

7. Literary Club – workshop, performances, presentations, talks and shows

– we encourage members of the community to express artistically by holding talks & meetings with writers, critics and public
– we like to make this events more often and to build our network of libraries in order to be accessed by the members of Romanian Community

8. Romanian Day – the project have started by the initial group of volunteers in 2003, as a Romanian Day in Fulham and Hammersmith Festival. Since then the Festival have offered 4 successive editions, with various partners .

-we want to be able to celebrate each year the Romanian day to celebrate our identity and to be able to share with our friends from the community!
– this is a way to promote the values of our culture in the multicultural British society
– a way to show our children the heritage and to make sure they grow up knowing their identity in order to be able to respect other people identity .

9. Mentor project – promotes the development of young generation under the guidance
of specialists with experience and authority in various fields , promoting developing skills in the practical aspect.

– we offer to our volunteers our support by motivating them to develop their own projects.
-a small but experienced team of mentors are able to advise and support all the way to implement and valorize the projects at the choice of the volunteer
-a individual mentoring plan is design to answer to the need of development for each volunteer that need this support

Much more about us and what we are keen to do, you can find on our web site : www.romanca.co.uk .

Yours ,

Costel Cam
Romanca Society

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