Dear Colleague
Venue: Robeson Theatre, Centrespace, Treaty Centre, High Street,
Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 1ES
Time: 12.00 – 4.00pm
Our Seminar is part of a series of events organised within our Women4Change programme and aims to:
· provide perspectives & presentations on the under-representation of women from Black Minority Ethnic & Refuge & Migrant (BME) communities within elected & appointed positions, decision-making structures.
· examine the barriers that still exist to BMER women’s engagement and participation within diverse BME communities, community leadership & community organisations as well as within mainstream public independent & political institutions, civic roles and leadership positions
Seminar targeted at: individuals & community reps from diverse BME communities & professionals from Local Authorities, PCT, Voluntary Sector & other agencies involved in or interested in breaking barriers & delivering an Agenda4Change.
Costs per delegate
FREE but places must be booked in advance.
Please find attached the leaflet on the above seminar:
If you wish to organise a similar event in your area or need further information please contact me on:
I shall be grateful if you could circulate it to your colleagues, members, as well as people on your mailing list.
Thank you for your support.
Aymero Gebremeskel
Project Co-ordinator
BME Leadership & Engagement Project