Home » Blog » Young people’s views on the big society to be presented to government – deadline 10th October

Young people’s views on the big society to be presented to government – deadline 10th October

by Ionela Flood

By Gabriella Jozwiak
Children & Young People Now
24 September 2010

The British Youth Council (BYC) is gathering young people’s opinions on the big society agenda for presentation to the Prime Minister.

An online survey for under-25s has been launched on the charity’s website as part of its Big Listen campaign.

“We believe it is important and productive that decision-makers and government listen and engage the next generation in politics and democracy,” said Liam Preston (24), BYC chair. “We are calling on young people to take part to ensure their views are represented.”

The survey asks young people about their relationship with their local area and how easy they feel it is to speak up as a young person. It invites respondents to indicate whether they are willing to take part in “big society ideas”, such as volunteering and setting up neighbourhood groups.

It also questions if the National Citizen Service (NCS) is a good idea and if respondents would like to take part, or whether they see difficulties in getting involved.

“BYC will present the findings to the Cabinet Office in November,” said Preston. “We hope the government will take the opportunity to not only note these views, but to enter a dialogue with young people and include us in development of youth policies.”

The project was developed after a conference held by the organisation in August, where young people raised concerns that the government is funding the NCS at the expense of existing provisions for young people.

The survey closes at midnight on 10 October.

Barbara Shelton
Development Officer – Networking & Engagement

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