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by Ionela Flood

Cine e Tudor Andrei?

Tudor este un tanar student roman aflat in anul doi la Royal Academy of Music, studiind vioara sub indrumarea profesorului Remus Azoitei. Talentatul violonist roman este castigator a numeroase premii nationale si internationale. Locului intai la Concursul International desfasurat la Academia de Muzica Niccolo Paganini din Genova, Italia, cele doua editii ale Olimpiadei romanesti de vioara precum si o serie de premii nationale i-au adus lui Tudor reputatia de tanar talent al Romaniei.
Cariera muzicala a lui Tudor Andrei este sprijinita de Ratiu Family Foundation din Marea Britanie si de Institutul Cultural Roman din Londra, unde Tudor a fost artist in rezidenta. De la venirea sa in Marea Britanie, Tudor a infiintat Art Club in Societatea Romanca, sustinind numeroase recitaluri la Duke’s Hall, Royal Academy of Music, William Goodenough Trust, St. John the Divine-Richmond . Deasemnea acesta a participat si la evenimente organizate de catre Institutul Cultural Roman in parteneriat cu Parlamentul European& Comisia Europeana, cu ocazia Zilei Internationale a poeziei (World Poetry Day), cea de-a 50 cea aniversare a Tratatului de la Roma precum si un fascinant recital sustinut intr-una dintre capsulele London Eye-ului cu ocazia Zilei Europei 2007. Acesta este Tudor Andrei in citeva cuvinte, in prezentarea facuta de Ovidiu Lapusneanu.

Societatea Romanca are placerea de a va adresa invitatia de participare la un recital de vioara si pian sustinut de catre Tudor Andrei si Thorsten Lindner ce se va desfasura Joi, 12 iunie,2008 ora 19.00 la University Women`s Club, Londra , Marea Britanie.
In program vor fi sustinute piese ale unor compozitori celebre precum:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Sonata for violin and piano in Bb Major
George Enescu – Sonata “Torso” for violin and piano in A minor
Richard Strauss – Sonata for violin and piano in Eb Major
Maurice Ravel – Tzigane
Chris Brown – The Last Kiss

Pretul unui bilet este de 20£ si va contribui la plata studiilor lui Tudor in cadrul Academiei Regale de Muzica.

Locul desfasurarii: University Women’s Club, 2 Audley Square, Mayfair, London W1K 1DB, UK, Joi 12 iunie, ora 19.oo

RSVP to Tudor Andrei: tudor_vs@yahoo.com

Alte detalii pe coordonatele: www.romanca.co.uk

Va asteptam cu drag la concert, pe curind.

Ionela Flood
Societatea Romanca

VIOLIN AND PIANO RECITAL,Thursday June 12th, 2008, University Women’s Club


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Sonata for violin and piano in Bb Major
George Enescu – Sonata “Torso” for violin and piano in A minor
Richard Strauss – Sonata for violin and piano in Eb Major
Maurice Ravel – Tzigane
Chris Brown – The Last Kiss

Tudor Andrei

Tudor has already performed a large number of concerts in important halls in Romania. In 1999 he toured Switzerland and Italy, and in 2005 Germany and he was invited to appear on various TV and Radio shows in Romania.
Since arriving in Britain, September 2005, Tudor has performed in venues such as Duke’s Hall, Royal Academy of Music, Romanian Cultural Institute, William Goodenough Trust, St. John the Divine-Richmond.

In 2006-2007, Tudor was artist-in-residence at the Romanian Cultural Institute in London. During this time, he had his debut at St. Martin’s in the Fields, followed by invitations to play at the White Hall and Foreign Press Club. He has also performed at events organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute in parthership with the European Commission & the European Parliament, for World Poetry Day, the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and an exciting recital in a capsule of London Eye to celebrate Europe Day, filmed by a team from the European Broadcasting Service.
Tudor Andrei is currently student in the 2nd year at the Royal Academy of Music, where he studies violin under the guidance of Professor Remus Azoitei and is very generously supported by the Ratiu Foundation UK.

Thorsten Lindner

Born 1977 in Trier (Germany), Thorsten Lindner started his musical education by the age of six with the pianist Nikola Dimitrov. As a teenager Thorsten was accepted in the piano class of Bernd Glemser, one of Germany’s leading pianists. After studying with Glemser (Saarbrücken and Würzburg- where he received his BMus and graduated in 2002) and Alexander Satz (Graz and London), Thorsten continued his studies at the Royal Academy of Music with Hamish Milne and Alexander Satz. He graduated in 2006 with a Diploma in Postgraduate Performance, a DipRAM for an outstanding final recital and the LRAM Teaching Diploma.

Since the beginning of his career he won several national and international prizes, such as the Gold Medal in the Concerto Competition of the Marlow Music Festival, IBLA Grand Prize (Sicily), 1st Prize in Tortona (Italy), 2nd Prize in Casale Monferrato (Italy), Nürnberg (Germany), Frankenthal, Besancan (France), IBM award for Lied accompaniment, 1st Prize Bundesjugendwettbewerb ‘Jugend musiziert’ (piano trio). Thorsten has played in many international locations including New York, Berlin, Munich, Leipzig, Madrid, Athens, and London.

When: Thursday June 12th, 2008, 19:00 hrs
When: University Women’s Club, 2 Audley Square, Mayfair, London W1K 1DB, UK
Tickets: £20
All proceeds will be used to contribute to the tuition fees for Tudor’s studies at the Royal Academy of Music.

RSVP to Tudor Andrei: tudor_vs@yahoo.com

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