There are many developments relating to the current use of Council buildings, including some of those currently accommodating Third Sector groups and organizations. The latest indications are that 9 buildings are being considered for sale, discontinuing the lease of 3 other buildings and exploring alternative use for a further building.
The Council would like you to ‘have your say’ to the proposals as detailed in the Buildings Consultation Document attached. See the following links for more information and to help you understand the process:
Do note that the consultation period is from 1st July 2010 to 30th September 2010. You can give your views by
§ Completing an on-line questionnaire available at
§ E-mail your comments and suggestions to
§ Attend one of the Open Consultation Days on
Thursday 12th August 2010, 10.00am to 18.00pm, The Small Hall, Hammersmith Town Hall, W6
Friday 10th September 2010, 10.00am to 18.00pm, The Small Hall, Hammersmith Town Hall, W6