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Lansarea proiectului Dialog cu socul cultural

by Ionela Flood

Societatea Romanca are placerea sa va invite la lansarea proiectului Dialog cu socul cultural duminica 22 Martie, intre orele 2.00-3.00pm , la Training Link , 57 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES(la 5 minute de St Pancras International).

Proiectul isi propune sa initieze un grup de discutii cu psihologul Adina Tarry, pe marginea diferentelor culturale si capacitate de adaptare la realitatea mediului multicultural britanic.

Persoanele interesati sa participe sunt rugate sa confirme prin SMS la
075 1525 3584 sau e-mail ionela@talktalk.net

Pentru orientare va rugam sa consultati harta pe linkul alaturat www.traininglink.org.uk .

Va asteptam,

Ionela Flood
Societatea Romanca


Romanca Society has pleasure to invite you to the launch of the project: Dialogue with cultural shock, on Sunday 22nd March, between 2.00-3.00pm at Training Link , 57 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES (5 minutes from St Pancras International Station).

The aim of the project is to start a discussion group with the psychologist Adina Tarry about cultural differences and adaptation capabilities in the British multicultural society.

Please confirm your participation by SMS at 075 15 25 3584 or e-mail ionela@talktalk.net

For directions please consult the map on the following link www.traininglink.org.uk

We are looking forward to see you

Ionela Flood
Romanca Society

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