Dear VSN Members,
The 2011 Census Day is fast approaching and we need you assistance to ensure maximum completion and return rate in Hammersmith & Fulham. As you know, it’s in the interest of all who live and work in the Borough, that we do get the appropriate level of funding from the Government to meet local needs, so your individual and collective support is crucial at this time in spreading information about the 2011 Census. We need to work together to raise the response rate well above what was achieved in 2001.
CaVSA is a distribution point for 2011 Census information. Do come and collect copies of the following for distribution within your organization and to those you come in contact with:
v Census Information and Advice Leaflet
v Campaign Posters
v H & F Census Helpdesk Map
To collect any of the above, do pop by CaVSA between 10.00-5.00 Monday-Friday or phone 020 8748 6345.
Additionally, for a better understanding of the whole 2011 Census process, it would be really helpful if you could promote the National Census website at and the LBHF Census webpage at