Societatea Romanca va invita sa luati parte in “Time of your Life ! , forum dedicat schimbului de informatii intre organizatiile locale din Hammersmith si Fulham.
Evenimentul va avea loc pe 19 Octombrie , la Hammersmith Town Hall (cladirea primariei), intre 10.00-16.00, fiind dedicat cetatenilor de peste 5o de ani.
Intrarea este libera.
Societatea Romanca va fi acolo cu informatii despre serviciile noastre, invitind vizitatorii la discutii despre oportunitatile turistice romanesti oferind si o degustare de vin .
Citiva dintre membri nostri vor oferi sesiuni de machiaj si informatii despre utilizarea produselor naturale.
Organizatiile prezente vor oferi servicii variate pentru o viata sanatoasa si pentru calitatea vietii.
Va rugam sa ne vizitati standul si sa va bucurati de ziua petrecuta cu noi.
Participarea romanesca este organizata de catre Societatea Romaneaca cu suportul deosebit al Ambasadei Romaniei la Londra.
Mihai Gaina
Director Proiect
Societatea Romanca
077 96 16 22 91
Time of Your Life!
Romanca Society invite you to take part in “Time of your Life ! forum dedicated to the network between the local organizations in London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. The event will take place on 19 October 2007, in Hammersmith Town Hall, between 10.00-16.00, aimed to the residents of 50 plus. Free entry.
Romanca Society will be there with information about our services, inviting the visitors to talk about roumanian touristic opportunities and offering a taste of wine. Few of our members will offer free make up sessions and information about how to use natural products.
The organizations that are present will offer various services for healthy living and quality of life.
Please come along and enjoy the day!
The event is organized by London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham .
Romanian participation is organized by Romanca Society with the kind support of Romanian Embassy in London.
Mihai Gaina
Project Director
Romanca Society
077 96 16 22 91