Home » Blog » “Snowflakes, a child’s smile’’-Fundrising campaign for children in need from Bucharest

“Snowflakes, a child’s smile’’-Fundrising campaign for children in need from Bucharest

by Ionela Flood

Romanca Society in Great Britain together with Heron Foundation in Romania bring to your attention a project dedicated to the children in the Centres of Social Assistance “Saint Anne” and “Saint Nicholas” as well as other similar centres in Bucharest. This project will be carried out in this year before the Christmas Holidays.

Romanca Society, a non governmental and non-profit organization of the Romanians on Great Britain, was set up in June 2005 with the purpose to offer assistance and consultancy towards the Romanians’ social integration that live and work in the multicultural British society. Our objective is to keep alive the values, traditions, culture and Romanian language and to let people know about them.

Heron Foundation is a non-profit juridical person which has public utility according to the Governmental Ordinance no.26/2000, completed and modified through the Governmental Ordinance no.37/2003. Its main purpose is to carry out programs and promoting activities and development of the cultural values, the defending and conservation of the cultural patrimony, the support of the cultural phenomenon in every aspect. According to its objectives, Heron Foundation also organizes activities with social-cultural character in order to protect and develop the young talents.

In this context, in partnership with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reform, The Romanian society of Radio Television ,TVR2,under the name “Snowflakes, a child’s smile’ we will organize a cultural-social-educational event on December 22, 2007, from 11am. The host of this event will be The Cultural Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reform.

This event will be carried out as a show done by the Children’s Choir “Symbol” of the Romanian Patriarchy, young talents from the Arts High Schools ‘George Enescu “ and “ Dinu Lipatti”, young actors, artistic bands of schools in the capital.

The show represents a gift for the 400 children who live in the centres of social assistance governed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reform “Saint Anne” and “Saint Nicholas” as well as other places of social protection in the city. Students and parents, artists and politicians, diplomats and journalists will be present at the event.

According to the Christmas tradition, we would like to give these children presents, such as are sweets, stationery and other useful objects. This is an orthodox and human gesture that will bring the light and joy of the Christmas holidays to the children who can’t enjoy the comfort and affection of a family.

We would be honored if your company would consider sponsoring this event. This support will be announced to the participants to the event, in the media communications, press conferences, specification of the name and the logo on the prints (invites, posters).

For further information, please contact Ionela Flood on 0044 07515 25 35 84 or via email ionela@talktalk.net
Any private donation can be sent in the name of Romanca Society on the below address.

Alternatively , you can contact Mr. Mihai Chirea on mobile 0040 721 820 776 or e-mail: heron_mike2005@yahoo.com
Any sponsorship should be made in the account open at
BCR , Balta Alba branch ,cod IBAN nr. RO 39 RNCB 0304000986110001.


Ionela Flood

Romanca Society
1Marshall House,
2 Dorncliffe Road,
SW6 5LF, Londra ,
tel: 0044(0)2077368668,
mobil: 0044 075 15 25 35 84 sau 004407816275240.
E-mail: ionela@talktalk.net
Unity Trust Bank plc, cont Nr. 201 68 634

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